he who is mighty has done great things for me -- Luke 1:49


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Before I was born again I did not know the meaning of love. I did not love. I did not love any one except myself. I hurt many people that I came in contact with, both family and non-family. I would laugh at Christians because I thought they were “squares.”
One day I was helping my wife to clean up around the house. Suddenly I began to feel empty on the inside, like something was missing in my life. About two weeks after that I had an encounter with the Risen Lord–Jesus Christ. I saw him hanging on the cross. As I saw that, my heart was touched. That is when I asked Jesus to come into my life. And now I love every person that God has created, even my enemy.   -Larry M


I first started attending NCF in 1985 after a chance meeting with Pastor Mark. I was baptized on September 15th, 1985. I was a member but did not attend on a regular basis. I received two prophecies (one in '86 and the other in '89) from a prophet from Texas who ministered at NCF occasionally. I married my first wife there in 1986 and the whole church was invited. The Lord called me elsewhere after that, and then in 1997 the enemy delivered an almost fatal blow sending me out into the "wilderness." I became spiritually dead, not even trying to hang on. Then in September 2018 the Lord began to PUSH me, and in what at the time seemed like a final death blow, instead turned out to be the beginning of God's mighty hand on me and my life to the extent that it was undeniably God moving. This went on through 2021, God constantly showing me his perfect tender mercies in my life of which none of them did I deserve. Then came the day we found out through another miraculous miracle that my wife had renal cell carcinoma the size of a baseball. I should have been a wreck, but I wasn't. I had peace that truly surpassed all understanding. I knew immediately that it was from God through the Holy Spirit. My wife recovered quickly and returned to work in two weeks. Then two weeks after that her employer told her she would be terminated if she didn't get vaccinated. This was what God used to finally get me "off the bench" and back "into the game." After a week of using tools at my disposal in the natural I decided I needed to seek God's help. I went to the church (now in a different location) and Pastor Phil was there and we talked about my current situation. I came early on that next Sunday, and I haven't stopped. The Lord delivered me back to the place I started, to be of service to HIM under the leadership of Pastor Phil. I have the great honor of knowing what kind of people Pastor Phil, Pastor Mark, and their wives are--the best stewards of what God has entrusted that I have ever seen as well as known. The Holy Spirit dwells in this place and all who God calls here Will hear his voice. May the living God who showers us with his loving kindness bless all who read this. May the peace and wisdom of God follow you all of your days. --John Hanly

A TEEN FOR CHRIST     by Caleb H.

I was born into a Christian family, but I didn't really know Christ in the beginning. I have amazing parents and would go to church, but I felt like something was missing in my spirit and soul enjoying worldly things.
Then when my grandmother died in her 60's I realized that life is short and the Holy Spirit kept whispering in my ear, "Are you saved so you have eternal life?"
I realized that I was a sinner because I used to get in trouble all the time. Then I read that God's one and only perfect son, Jesus, died for me so that I could have eternal life in heaven but also right now.
I fear the Lord and have departed from doing worldly things. Now I'm saved with a satisfied soul and spirit. I've also recommitted myself to Christ since age 7. I'm growing in faith each and every day, and I know that when I die, I will go to heaven and live forever with Jesus Christ my Lord God Almighty.
I love reading in Proverbs, because it talks about the difference between wise and foolish choices.
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My mom and dad didn’t go to church, but Dad took my sisters and me to a little Baptist church, along with my Grandma, every Sunday. I remember praying when I was 11,”Lord, I want to be a Christian”. Shortly after that, a lay preacher came and spoke to our congregation. I became a believer that night and had the assurance deep inside that I really was a Christian
The year before, after completing a class that the pastor taught, I was asked if I wanted to be baptized. Even though I didn’t really understand it all, I went ahead and got water baptized. My Sunday School teacher kept talking about the wonderful relationship she had with the Lord and the joy of knowing her sins were forgiven. I didn’t quite understand it until that night when the lay preacher came and the Lord became real to me.
I began reading the Bible, starting at the beginning. I got bogged down in Leviticus and Numbers, and sadly, quit reading. I still went to church for several years, but lost my way until my sophomore year of high school.
Things were difficult at home. My dad was drinking more than ever and we didn’t get along. Most of the times we communicated, it was an argument. There was verbal and physical abuse. I was miserable, and so discouraged that I didn’t want to live anymore.
At some point in high school, maybe even my freshman year, I began attending Youth for Christ meetings. I was invited to go to a camp the summer before my junior year when I was 16. It was there that I rededicated my life to the Lord and have been following Him since then.
My life changed dramatically. I realized that there were things I needed to change in the relationship with my parents, I needed to respect them and quit mouthing off. I began reading the Bible again and I memorized parts of it.. God filled the emptiness inside of me and gave me hope and peace. I felt like I had a purpose in life. I found good friends that encouraged me in this new way of life.
A couple of years later, I was baptized again, this time realizing what it was all about; that I was publicly proclaiming that I belonged to Him. I don’t remember if this was a dream, but I remember seeing a picture of myself in a dark castle. The drawbridge was opening and I began walking out, free! I saw green grass and the light of sunshine and a path ahead of me through a hilly meadow. It gave me such hope that the old things were gone and the new had come!
I was blessed to be married and have 7 wonderful kids! Of course, life is not all sunshine and meadows, but I am free from the darkness and I learned that I was never alone; that Jesus would never leave or forsake me. He has been faithful! I have had trust issues, and many times, when I needed Him most I ran away from Him in some form, stopped praying and reading the Bible, and blamed Him for my pain. He has been so patient with me. Gradually, I learned how much He loved me and I began trusting Him more. I have blown it so many times too, but He keeps forgiving me. Those around me have been forgiving as well. He has helped me in the challenges of parenting and marriage.
During one particularly difficult season in my life, when there was a lot of pain and I felt so alone, He spoke to me from the Psalms and He comforted me. Since that time, I have felt like I know and trust God in a deeper way and I know that I know, that I know, that He is real and trustworthy. I know that He loves me. I love Him very much and I’m so grateful for all that He has done. He saved my life, and I owe Him everything.
He has provided for me, blessed me in so many ways, and brought me through hard things. I’m grateful for Him just being with me and being a friend like no other; the one who paid the ultimate price..His death for my sins so that I could be free and live in relationship with Him now and forever.
-Karen A


It was just the whisper of a thought, not scary or foreboding but just "matter of fact." Cathy and I were leaving our house to pick up her mom from rehab to take her back to Michigan. As I backed out of the driveway I glanced at the house and heard a thought that said something like "Take a good look. It'll never be the same." It was not loud or dominant, but just a seed. It took me by surprise as I realized the implication and I had to question where it came from, because it was nothing that I had been contemplating.
Right then I decided I didn't want that seed to grow because it did not seem to be from God, so I prayed out loud for God's protection over our home and property. I did not have a clear impression of what might happen, but I knew I didn't want to worry about it. Cathy said she was surprised because praying for protection over our property when we leave is not something we habitually do.
We picked up Mom in St. Charles and had a wonderful trip to her home in Michigan with beautiful weather. I texted several people that we finally got her home (3 months later than we originally anticipated!) It was at that point that several people texted back about the terrible storm taking place in Elgin at that exact moment. Two different people went by our home after the storm to check on it and there was no damage, not even to our trees. The next night on the way home we heard from our neighbor that our power had been knocked out (and didn't come back on till Sunday after church) but the food in our freezer and refrigerator was fine.
We even narrowly missed an accident on the way home--two cars were weaving in and out of 3 lanes of traffic on the expressway and one ended up hitting a semi and coming to a standstill in the middle of traffic, but we were unscathed.
So grateful to God for his protection. (from Aug.'17 newsletter)
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SUDDEN HEALING      by Anne F.

On Tuesday (Nov. 28) at about 9 am I called Pastor Phil and asked for prayer because I was in so much pain in my right shoulder, and I was so tired because I couldn't sleep well at night. I was in so much pain I was nauseous. I just didn't feel right; I was foggy headed. Pastor Phil prayed for me and sent out a text to the prayer chain--Please pray for Anne. She has a lot of joint pain and it's been affecting her sleep which is wearing her out.
I laid down on my school bus from 9:20 to 9:50. I got up and drove my midday route. When I got back, I laid down again from 11:45 to 12:30, then went in and ate lunch with my friends. At 1:25 I clocked in for my afternoon route. I dropped off my first set of school kids and was on my way down to Wheaton for my second school run. I was driving down the road when I kind of felt a shift. I don't know how else to put it. I looked around to see if I heard something or what, but no, it was like I felt a shift. I looked at the clock. It was 2:35. I didn't know what to make of it. I was just thinking about what this could be when I realized my head wasn't foggy and I didn't feel nauseous anymore! I decided to try out my arm and shoulder. I moved it in a little circle and then I moved it in a circle again and Wow! It felt much better. Most of the pain was gone--not totally, but like 80%.
Usually, I sing 2 or 3 songs on my way down to Wheaton, because it's such a long drive (30-35 minutes) but that day I sang about 10 songs. And I even remembered whole songs from a long time ago like "His name is Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father. . .." That was pretty cool. Even as I write this, I feel good. I am sleeping better at night, and although the pain in my shoulder is worse at night, even then it's not as bad as it used to be during the day. It's still like 80% less pain. I thank and praise God for all this and his continued healing. (From Dec. '17 newsletter)
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As most of you guys know, I'm a (school) bus driver. And I do a High School and then the Elementary, but in between, sometimes we have a break, maybe 20 minutes or a half hour where we park the bus and wait till it's time to pick up the kids. So, my stop is over by Target at 59 and Irving Park. I always park my bus by Panera Bread because they're open and I need to use the bathroom at my age. So that morning, Wednesday, was a very, very gusty—a very windy day. So, as it was, I got out of the bus and went to open the door . . . and as I got so far, a big gust of wind 40 or 50 mile an hour or whatever caught the door and took my arm and pulled it that way and the edge of the door went right into my wrist. My fingers got caught; I couldn't let go, but it was no big deal. . .  I kind of held on to it and said, “Man, that hurts; I hate when that happens.” I went in and thought “Should I say something to the manager? Naw, I'll be fine.”
I did what I had to do and got back out to the bus, waited a few minutes, and then started to go. Well in the bus we have the spring brake, the emergency brake that we have to set every time we stop the bus to pick up kids. So, pushing out it's not that big of a deal, but when I pressed it in it's like, “Hey, this hurts!” I saw that it was bruised, getting black and blue. So, I finished my runs that morning and said, "Well, I don't want to say anything to anybody," but I went in and talked to my boss, and he sent me to an urgent care. (I was) like “Oh well, you know” So I went in, and they take 3 x-rays. She looks at the x-ray and comes and shows me. When she showed me the x-ray (I don't know how to read an x-ray), but it was clear as day the bone was actually separated from where it used to be. So, she doesn't want to put a splint on it. (Come) back on Monday and we'll put the cast on it. You'll be out of work 4-6 weeks. Not good. So, I get back and come to church Sunday and probably should have had prayer, but I didn't. But the Saturday before, and that Sunday night my wife prayed over my wrist, “Lord we can't afford for Randy to be out of work.”
So, Monday morning comes, and I get to my doctor's appointment, and I asked them, “Hey, can you take another x-ray? My wrist is feeling better and I'm able to move it around without any pain.” She says, "Let me ask the doctor," so in a few minutes the doctor comes in and says, “Let's take some x-rays.” So, we go and take the x-ray and they tell me to go sit back down. And my wife and I are waiting . . . and we're waiting . . . and an hour goes by, and I wonder (what's taking so long.)
So, she comes back in and says, "Well I've got to tell you, when you were here last time, me and another doctor looked at this x-ray and you clearly had a broken wrist. We couldn't see it this time so we sent it over to another hospital and they had their technicians there look at it and they can't find any break anywhere."

We serve a Great God, right? And it (the wrist) works fine.

Randy's testimony on Sunday, November 29, 2015 (transcribed from an audio recording)
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Over a month ago I was completely healed of a chronic digestive issue, and it is such wonderful dramatic change in my life--praise God!
This condition began years ago. I think I've had chronic digestive issues since around 1988. It started out with a couple foods; I had a reaction to avocados after my third child was born, and eggs started making me feel a little queasy, so I just started to avoid them. I had gradually cut many foods out of my diet--dairy, kiwi, grapes, summer squash--that would cause digestive issues. Then it just seemed to increase over the years and after a while led to more and more serious digestive issues where I had to stick close to a bathroom or make sure I knew where one was. If we went out to eat, I had to ask for a special menu which would show which foods had dairy or other common allergic items I needed to avoid. Besides eliminating all dairy from my diet, I even started backing away from gluten to see if that made a difference, since I noticed a difference when I ate wheat. So, I quit eating cereals with wheat and started making my own gluten free granola. I tried to stay away from pasta, unless it was rice pasta. I had learned to manage the condition to avoid trouble most of the time, but God wanted me FREE. The list of the foods that I couldn't eat just began to grow longer and longer. Even certain vegetables and fruits that I loved, I learned I had to stay away from, so that at the end I would have to watch very carefully what foods were included in each dish I ate whether at a restaurant or at a social gathering. Quite often when I was going to a restaurant, I would end up eating a salad with chicken in it just be safe.
Back in February of this year I began to notice that it was getting increasingly worse. At some point I started battling with diarrhea that became unpredictable and unmanageable. Instead of having an issue once a week or every two weeks, I would have a problem almost every evening or every other evening. Then it became worse and worse until mid-March I couldn't keep anything in my system; it would go right through me. That's when I went to my primary physician. He put me on a medication thinking it was some kind of bacterial infection, C-diff or a parasite. He had me do some lab work and put me on a very strong anti-biotic for 10 days which seemed to keep it at bay. During the beginning of that time, I went to a healing conference at another church in the area. I really enjoyed the teaching and it seemed like there were specific things that really spoke to my heart. They talked about hindrances to healing, for instance one was a fear of not knowing how to act if I'm "normal." Another had to do with getting out of certain responsibilities by being sick. They listed a bunch of hindrances to people really getting set free and receiving their healing and none of them really resonated with me--I didn't see any of those really being an issue, but what it did do was to help me have a question in my heart which I believe Holy Spirit prompted, "OK, God, if there is a hindrance to my healing, what is it? What would be MY fear?" and Holy Spirit definitely highlighted something. The fear that I had was, "If I'm healed and I have no restraint on what I eat, would I start overeating? Would that become a new problem to me? Well once I saw I had that fear I turned from it; I repented and asked God to help me not be afraid. So anyway, when the ten days (of medicine) were up it was only 28 hours later that the diarrhea came back full strength in the middle of the night, so I called the doctor in the morning and he put me back on another ten days of the medication and I made an appointment to see a specialist. I was just hoping that I would be well enough to get to the colonoscopy that was scheduled two weeks later. I saw the specialist the day before I was to run out of the second round of medication. I was a little nervous because we were going to have our family Easter celebration on Palm Sunday and then we were going to babysit the next day and I thought if this all comes back full strength, how am I going to be able to eat at all at the celebration with my family because previously when I finished the medication everything went right through me.
On March 27th I went to see the specialist and I had one more day of medication left, and he said he was glad the medication my primary doctor prescribed was keeping the symptoms at bay, but he fully expected the symptoms to return again as soon as I was off of it. He was wanting more lab work once I got off the medicine; he was wanting to find out if I had celiac disease, which means I would have to eat completely gluten-free, and he was also checking for a certain kind of colitis that was allergy related. That same night I went to Kingdom Sending Center's "Encounter God" service that meets at our church building the second and fourth Friday each month. While at that meeting, Anthony, who was part of the worship team that night was calling out words of knowledge. One of them was that someone had a serious colon issue and God was healing it, so immediately I put up my hand and someone prayed for me.
After the meeting I went up to Anthony and I told him that I had just been to a specialist for this very thing and he said, "Put your hand on the area," and then he put his fist on top of my hand and said, "100% healed. So, I just received that and felt like that night I should quit taking the medication, whereas when I was at the healing conference a few weeks prior I didn't feel a peace about getting off the medication even though I knew God was working--a woman had a vision of God completely cleansing my colon., but I didn't have peace about stopping the medicine at that point. But when Anthony said that I KNEW that I was healed, even though I didn't feel any special sensation--electricity, heat, tingling--like I have on other occasions, In this particular case it was just a knowing in my heart that I was free. So, I quit the medication and since then I have not had a single issue; it's been over a month now. I have been eating food and enjoying foods that I have not eaten in years, without hesitation and it's been really wonderful, very fun being able to eat those foods again. I'm eating cheese; I'm eating eggs and many other things that gave me problems before. There were some foods that I had had to stay away from altogether because if I ate any, within 20 minutes I'd be in the bathroom--and I've been able to enjoy those. I just give God the glory for healing my body. I'm having so much fun I feel like a kid again being able to enjoy the little pleasures that food can bring, but at the same time I feel like God has helped me to not go overboard.
Not only has all my Labwork come back normal, but the specialist I saw, who just did my colonoscopy said everything looked fine. I told him about my miraculous healing before he started, and he seemed genuinely excited about it. (From May '15 newsletter)


Share what Jesus is doing in your life.

Be completely humble and gentile; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2